Hey guys and gals! Welcome to our community board where you can post updates about your workouts or start conversations with your fellow mates who are on the same journey as you!
My name is Justin Ng, co-founder of Strike'ng Fitness. With registrations coming to an end, I want to first thank everyone who registered for the 30 Day Fitness Contest. It says a lot about your character, willingness, and dedication. I guarantee all of you guys are already ahead of the game, simply because of the positive choices you've made to invest in your health. Raquel and I are stoked to take on this challenge with you all!
On that note, please send in your before photos (front, side, and back) holding an up to date newspaper to strikengfitnesscontest@gmail.com. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to either myself or Raquel.
Good luck to you all! :-)